Summer Lab 2020 unleashes innovative solutions
23 February 2020
A diverse cohort of 74 students have ignited the entrepreneur within them at our fifth annual Summer Lab programme, unleashing new solutions to some of the world’s problems.
The four-week intensive programme gives participants the opportunity to learn the essential skills needed to turn an idea into a business venture. Over the course of the programme participants build a team and develop an idea through action-oriented learning. This includes validation, rapid prototyping, design-led thinking, pitching and more.
At the heart of the programme is the opportunity for students to learn from experienced professionals. Summer Lab was facilitated by Dr Jamie Newth who is the CEO of New Zealand’s first impact investment organisation Soul Capital, as well as being a lecturer in entrepreneurship at the University of Auckland’s Business School. The 13 teams had access to 19 different mentors with a range of expertise ranging from raising capital to climate change solutions.
Students have increasingly shown interest in developing socially and environmentally responsible ventures. The ideas developed by this year’s cohort reflect this with proposals including a solution for microplastics pollution from washing machines, specialist cutlery for those with disabilities, an affordable alternative to medical alert bracelets, an online health portal system for pets and a social enterprise that brokers knowledge from seniors.
Programme Coordinator Jessica Schneider has been impressed with this year’s cohort of students. “I love how dedicated our Summer Lab participants have been, showing up outside of hours to collaborate on their ideas. The teams have been helping each other through providing valuable feedback. It’s wonderful being around so much passion and positivity”.
Feedback from participants has also been very positive with students noting how unique, eye-opening and world-expanding the experience is.
Law student Leah Beaumont says “What is an idea in the absence of value and validation? I’m very grateful for the opportunity to maximise my tertiary experience at Summer Lab, exploring my innovative and entrepreneurial aptitude among students from multidisciplinary and multicultural backgrounds. It was a fun and empowering learning environment that highlighted the importance of embracing error. Although free, I could not possibly assign a dollar value to the relationships I built or knowledge I gained from industry leaders. A very rewarding experience and one I’m thankful I did not pass by”.
Summer Lab students will be encouraged to advance their current ideas or try out something new through further CIE opportunities such as Velocity.

23 February 2020
A diverse cohort of 74 students have ignited the entrepreneur within them at our fifth annual Summer Lab programme, unleashing new solutions to some of the world’s problems.
The four-week intensive programme gives participants the opportunity to learn the essential skills needed to turn an idea into a business venture. Over the course of the programme participants build a team and develop an idea through action-oriented learning. This includes validation, rapid prototyping, design-led thinking, pitching and more.
At the heart of the programme is the opportunity for students to learn from experienced professionals. Summer Lab was facilitated by Dr Jamie Newth who is the CEO of New Zealand’s first impact investment organisation Soul Capital, as well as being a lecturer in entrepreneurship at the University of Auckland’s Business School. The 13 teams had access to 19 different mentors with a range of expertise ranging from raising capital to climate change solutions.
Students have increasingly shown interest in developing socially and environmentally responsible ventures. The ideas developed by this year’s cohort reflect this with proposals including a solution for microplastics pollution from washing machines, specialist cutlery for those with disabilities, an affordable alternative to medical alert bracelets, an online health portal system for pets and a social enterprise that brokers knowledge from seniors.
Programme Coordinator Jessica Schneider has been impressed with this year’s cohort of students. “I love how dedicated our Summer Lab participants have been, showing up outside of hours to collaborate on their ideas. The teams have been helping each other through providing valuable feedback. It’s wonderful being around so much passion and positivity”.
Feedback from participants has also been very positive with students noting how unique, eye-opening and world-expanding the experience is.
Law student Leah Beaumont says “What is an idea in the absence of value and validation? I’m very grateful for the opportunity to maximise my tertiary experience at Summer Lab, exploring my innovative and entrepreneurial aptitude among students from multidisciplinary and multicultural backgrounds. It was a fun and empowering learning environment that highlighted the importance of embracing error. Although free, I could not possibly assign a dollar value to the relationships I built or knowledge I gained from industry leaders. A very rewarding experience and one I’m thankful I did not pass by”.
Summer Lab students will be encouraged to advance their current ideas or try out something new through further CIE opportunities such as Velocity.